
The earth is precious. She is not ours to exploit. Her resources are not ours to plunder. Her waters are not ours to run dry. Her forests are not ours to cut down. Her mountains are not ours to conquer. Her plains are not ours to plow, nor are her deserts ours to irrigate. Her creatures are not ours to tame and her wilderness is not ours to settle.

Just as Creator designed us, so is this world designed with careful intricacies and within these details of all creation, love abounds. Love is not just between God and man. Love flows within all and through all. Within every mineral deep beneath the surface, every drop of rain replenishing the rivers, every gnarled trunk of old growth, every cloud covered peak, every blade of grass and grain of sand, every tooth and claw of beast and every corner our fingers can’t reach.

Just as we are loved by the creator, so is all of creation loved. Just as we should love one another, so should we love all of creation- with compassion, grace, and honor.

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